Leadership Development
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, they will say: we did it ourselves”
– Lao Tzu
Today’s leaders must create visions, encourage commitment, foster innovation & creativity, promote and subscribe to sustainable practice, and develop their people. They are being asked to achieve all this, as well as maximise the profitability of their enterprises, in an environment of uncertainty, change and increasingly conflicting priorities.
Leadership Development
Values Connection offers a values-based model of leadership that:
Is owned by staff at all levels
Is inspiring due to its relevance, simplicity and clarity
Generates enhanced behaviours
Accelerates the achievement of business objectives
Values-based Leadership works in identifying, drawing out and understanding personal values and how they contribute to, or detract from, effective leadership and action. Once the day to day consequences and reality of personal values in the work place is understood we support leaders to harness current strengths and expand choices and behaviours that foster more constructive and useful leadership styles.
Personal and organisational values alignment is a powerful catalyst for workplace harmony and productivity. The understanding and alignment of these values (and the underpinning assumptions, beliefs and behaviours that result) enable people to work collaboratively and creatively with others, foster innovation throughout the organisation and ultimately adapt to the demands of modern business with greater agility, flexibility and willingness.
Leaders are encouraged to embrace more complex thinking styles. Developing leadership styles that are flexible, grounded, creative and dynamic whilst observing social and ethical responsibilities enable executives to achieve success in a global marketplace.
Participants learn about:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Personal and interpersonal awareness
- Self-management for excellence
- Conflict resolution
- Energy & time management
High Performance Thinking
- Development of cognitive ability including big picture thinking,
- Management of paradox – complexity & ambiguity,
- Creative thinking
Team Dynamics & Communication
- Motivation and accountability
- Determine unique communication preferences – self and others
- Frame of Motivation and the influence on feedback
Role Clarity
- Moving from static job descriptions to dynamic role statements – The 7 R’s of Role Clarity – Role, Responsibility, Results, Rewards, Resources, Reporting, Review
- Understanding the link between Optimism, Positive Psychology & effective leadership
Leadership Qualities & Skills
- Trustworthiness, Inspiration & Passion
- Listening
- Vision, Purpose, Values & Goals
- Aligning Individual Values & Goals with Organisational Objectives
Why a Values-based approach to Leadership is essential
As leaders, we must be aware of the values of the people we desire to influence. When we demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the values of those we lead, they are more receptive to our visions and are prepared work collectively towards achieving them. It is only through a thorough exploration of our own values can we then relate effectively to the values of others and, in particular, gain rapport with people who have significantly different values from our own.
Values alignment is the key to sustained corporate success.
Recent research indicates it makes economic sense to focus on the values of both the organisation and its staff, to ensure they are in alignment.
An organisation’s values determine its culture, branding, vision, purpose, objectives, strategy and procedures.
An individual’s values determine their integrity, work ethic, commitment, passion, motivation, decision making, fulfillment and productivity.
The key is to have synergy between these two values sets.