Vision and Purpose
“Learn your theories well, but put them aside when you touch the miracle of a living person”
– Carl Jung
We are committed to a process of discovery that integrates
- the language of values
- experiential and accelerated strategies for learning
- multiple intelligences
- the science of chaos
and is generative, enjoyable, and functions with impressive speed.
Vision and Purpose
ValuesConnection’s approach is always values-centred, and we have invested wholeheartedly in understanding and working with leading-edge values technology.
We trust and know from real-life experience that executives long to reflect upon what give their lives meaning and purpose. They want to be free to be themselves in ways that they can trust their own wisdom to confidently draw on their knowledge and feelings. This is supported by research gathered from over ten thousand participants, which shows that 73% of leaders surveyed have a high priority on the value “Being Self”. 87% value “Sharing / Listening / Trust”. (Source: Values Education Network, Queensland Australia)
Acknowledging the longing for this, and creating environments where these values can be expressed is essential to the longevity and success of every organization. To retain talented leaders, we need to move from rigid, inflexible hierarchies to more open and dynamic organizations, built upon trust and respect for each other’s innate capacity and capabilities.
Change is only sustainable if executives, managers and employees make decisions consciously around their shared values.
Why do we do it?
Because we love our work and the people we work with
We believe in the genius of every person
We’re optimistic about the future
We believe business is the agent for change – that we can do well by doing good
Why do clients come to us?
To grow their business profitability
To pioneer new ways of working
To make a difference to their people, profits, and planet.